June June 8, 2022


Hold The Water

June is here and if you live in the Los Angeles area you’re probably aware of the water shortage we are facing.  We’re entering the hottest time of the year so we need to do our part to ensure there is enough water to meet our needs.  With that in mind, here are some ideas of how to save water inside and outside the house.

While many of us may already be doing some of these items, maybe there are a few items here you could implement.

Around the House

  • Love baths? Fill up your bathtub halfway or less, which can save 17-25 gallons of water per person every bath
  • Install Aerators on faucets – installing aerators can save 0.7 gallons per minute
  • Recycle indoor water and irrigate your garden – putting bucket in your shower to collect water, use old drinking bottled water, reuse the water you washed your veggies with
  • Turn off water when brushing your teeth or shaving – you can save 8 gallons of water per person per day
  • Fix leaks – fixing leaks inside and outside the home can save 27-90 gallons of water each day
  • Install High Efficiency Toilets – this can save 6-35 gallons per day
  • Take 5-minute Showers – keeping showers under 5 minutes can save 12.5 gallons per shower when using a water-efficient showerhead
  • Wash full loads of clothes and dishes – washer: saves 15-45 gallons per load. Dishwasher: saves 5-15 gallons per load


  • Use Water-wise Plants – check out LADWP website for the best plants or speak with your local nursery
  • Reimagine Your Yard – Feed your vegetables and fruits water first, because they feed you!  Water-wise plants and shade trees use little or no water once established.  Thirsty plants like the lawn and container plants are the lowest priority.
  • Use Drought-resistant Trees & Plants – this will help into the future as well
  • Adjust Sprinkler Heads & Fix Leaks – saves 12-15 gallons each time you water and a leak about as small as the tip of a ballpoint pen can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month.
  • Install Drip Irrigation & Add a Smart Controller – this can save you 15 gallons each time you water.
  • Use a Broom to Clean Outdoor Areas – avoid using a hose to wash down outdoor areas.
  • Set Mower Blades to 3″ – encourages deeper roots and saves 16-50 gallons per day
  • Use Mulch – this can save 20-30 gallons of water per 1000 sq.ft. each time you water